Under the supervision of The London Honey Company founder Steve Benbow, Jack (whose African-bee keeping grandfather inspired him to follow suit) looked after hives on rooftops and moorland, learning honey cropping and processing, and taking courses including biology and botany. He tended gentle bees on London’s rooftops across the summer months for The London Honey Company’s clients including Fortnum and Mason, The V&A and The Tate.
The Company also has numerous beehives scattered around the UK from remote moorland in Yorkshire, to organic farmland in Shropshire, so Jack’s days were diverse as he travelled around tending these hives with his mentor. As part of his QEST Highgrove Enterprises Apprenticeship Jack also travelled to New Zealand for a placement and he gained his Diploma of Excellence in Bee Farming. He now works as a Bee Inspector for the UK Government.