Pia Östlund

2023 QEST Scholar - Printmaking

Pia is a Swedish printmaker and designer with a particular interest in the plant world and its interpretation. She was a design consultant for Chelsea Physic Garden for 14 years and alongside her freelance practice she now works closely with Oxford Botanic Garden. Pia has focussed on reviving a lost 19th century printing process, known as nature printing, which creates life-like images of plants on paper. 

Pia’s 2023 QEST Scholarship will fund one-to-one training in nature printing with a master copperplate printer at BORSCH Print Studio, specifically focusing on the 1852 method of depicting plants with exceptional detail and raised surface texture. The goal of the training is to acquire specialist skills that will give Pia full autonomy over the printing process including casting, electroforming, printing, and editioning. By acquiring these specialist skills, Pia will enhance the quality of her printed work, and improve her existing inking and printing skills.

My goal is to apply my skills and knowledge of nature printing (on both paper and textiles) to creative collaborations with experts in other fields, such as botany, geology, architecture and in dialogue with archive material at public institutions and gardens resulting in limited editions, book projects, site-specific installations or exhibitions with a strong emphasis on public engagement.



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