Clunie Fretton

2023 QEST David Barber Scholar - Sculpture and carving

Clunie is a classically trained sculptor, master carver, and gilder. Having been in practice since 2015, she is a graduate of the Ornamental Woodcarving & Gilding course at City & Guilds Art School and member of the Master Carvers’ Association.

Clunie aims to be efficient in 3D modelling, photogrammetry 3D scanning, and CNC, with a focus on the ways it can be positively integrated into the craft of woodcarving.

She will use her QEST funding to learn to create accurate 3D scans of objects using photogrammetry, understand how to 3D model in the digital equivalent of clay, and test the results of using CNC to ‘rough out’ the carvings. These skills will be used to complement hand skills, but not replace them.

Clunie will clearly document the process of learning these skills and share the results openly in order to enable other carvers to understand the pathway, benefits, and pitfalls of this technology.

Clunie hopes that through the integration of modern technology with traditional hand skills, carving can be adapted to the present day.

QEST Sanderson Rising Star Craft Award

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