Kieren is a trainee papermaker, employed at Two Rivers Paper Company and will be fully qualified by the end of 2022. According to the Heritage Crafts Association’s Red List of Endangered Crafts, he is one of only seven known makers practicing his endangered craft commercially. Two of the others are his employer, master craftsman and fourth-generation paper maker, Jim Patterson, and colleague, Zoe Collis, a 2018 QEST Drapers’ Company Apprentice.
Kieren is a member of the British Association of Paper Historians, has done some training with The Paper Industry Technical Association and is now currently working towards levels 2 and 3 Paper Technology. These are being delivered by Paper Classroom where he will develop his knowledge in the history and science of papermaking including various fibres, chemicals, additives, and the complete processes of papermaking. He has also embarked on an Engineering Diploma which will equip him to take on Jim’s role of maintaining the array of specialist and traditional machinery throughout the mill. All this training is mostly covered by the QEST Scholarship and he is delighted to be able to preserve and carry forward the craft of English handmade rag papers for artists and designers of varying medium disciplines.