Charlie Jones

2024 QEST Horlock Educational Trust Apprentice - Furniture Making

Charlie is an apprentice furniture maker working under James Trundle, founder of Process Studio London. QEST funding will enable a further 2 years of training where Charlie will focus on enhancing both traditional hand-tool techniques and modern skills such as advanced machining. Charlie is particularly passionate about combining traditional craftsmanship with contemporary methods, aiming to develop his own design skills while gaining hands-on experience in a professional workshop.

Alongside his studies in Fine Furniture Making and Design at the Building Crafts College, Charlie will dedicate more time to mastering timber machining, hand-cut joinery, and furniture design. Under James’ guidance, Charlie will work on a variety of projects, allowing him to refine his craft and gain a deeper understanding of all stages of furniture production.

In addition to honing technical skills, the apprenticeship will offer Charlie valuable insights into the business side of woodworking, from client communication to marketing and meeting project deadlines. Charlie’s ultimate goal is to lead projects and contribute his own designs while continuing to explore new techniques and processes within the craft.

Throughout my career I hope to create beautiful furniture honouring traditional techniques through contemporary design and, in time, support those entering the crafts as QEST is supporting me.

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