A fascination with process and materials has led Lara from illustration, to ceramics, to globe making and most recently to glass. At the foundation of these journeys is a desire to cultivate relationships with materials, people and places. She is currently on the Building Arts Programme 2022, run in collaboration with The Prince’s Foundation, and she sees this as an opportunity to help blur the divisive lines between crafts and communities in order to discover new and innovative ways of working and living.
Lara has arrived at shadows as a visual articulation of her experience of home as an ungraspable, fluctuating feeling. A natural next step, she feels that stained glass is able to intercept quotidian life, giving meaning to the built environment and richness to the lives of people who pass through it. Whilst studying with industry professionals, she hopes to hark back to the origins of craft; a basis for community building and skill-sharing, working with, not on, the land.
Lara has recently returned from a three month residency at TYPA, the Estonian centre for paper and print; which culminated in a solo exhibition titled Shadow Workings. These works were shown in both Tartu and London. She also graduated with a 1st in BA Illustration from Camberwell College of Art in 2014.