Michael Dickson

2022 QEST Horlock Educational Trust Scholar - Horology

Michael has a long-standing passion for horology that stems from a very young age. He has been interested in old clocks and watches since he was six years old, and since the age of fourteen has been working with a retired antiquarian horologist to build upon his self-taught knowledge.

QEST funding will support Michael during the two-year FdA Clocks course at West Dean College. Here he will develop his skills further by diversifying into clocks and their conservation, (as opposed to restoration and repair which is what he usually practices). The training will allow him to expand, validate and formalise his existing skills in order to build a career in horology. He is passionate about education and inspiring other young people to consider a career in the craft. In the future he aspires to work in museums, practice the art of conservation and teach and pass on his skills to a future generation of horologists.

For me, the science of time, and the art of Antiquarian Horology create the perfect mix of science and history. I feel inspired to conserve horological objects, and disseminate knowledge about this most important and interesting subject.

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