Oliver Pont

2017 QEST 29th May 1961 Charitable Trust Apprentice - Bee Farming

Oliver is the fourth generation bee farmer in his family. QEST supported his apprenticeship under his father Neil Pont and he has already proved a valuable asset to Lincolnshire Apiaries, the family business. The business has previously focused on bulk honey sales and packed a small percentage of the honey its bees produce. Oliver hopes to develop further the value added side of the business and has recently secured a deal to supply jarred honey to a chain of 85 shops in his region.

Oliver explains that many queen bees are imported from EU countries into the UK. In the next two years it may become difficult, or very expensive to import queen bees. Oliver therefore intends to develop queen breeding skills in order for the business to become self-sufficient in queen bees and take advantage of a likely growth in the domestic market. In the long term, his aim is to see the family brand of honey develop into a household name regionally. Oliver would like to grow the number of colonies the business runs, aided by the queen breeding program. Oliver hopes to contribute to the future and the ethos of bee farming in the UK.

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