Crafting A Difference | January – April 2021
2nd February 2021

Crafting a Difference is a collaborative venture where five contemporary craft galleries are uniting to present over 150 craft works by established and up and coming makers, including six QEST Scholars. Brought together by curator Brian Kennedy, the exhibition features unique works of art and craft made from ceramics, glass, grass metal, paper, plastic, textiles and wood, from Cavaliero Finn, jaggedart, MADEINBRITALY, Ting-Ying Gallery and Vessel Gallery.
The primary aims of the collective are to support and bring increased visibility to makers in these unprecedented times and for collectors to see works and engage in rewarding conversations with gallerists who can offer insights and informative detail about the works on show.
Their first exhibition will be at SoShiro, a magnificent London town house in Marylebone, where the works will be displayed over four floors of the house in both gallery and domestic contexts. To tour the virtual exhibition, please click here, and as soon as restrictions allow, it will be possible to visit the show by appointment.
Featured QEST Scholars are Frances Priest, Alice Walton, Katalina Caliendo, Max Bainbridge, Abigail Booth and Hannah Tounsend.