Florence Hamer

2020 - Building Arts Programme

Florence graduated from the University of Exeter with a degree in Renewable Energy Engineering, before developing her practical skills in carpentry and traditional and sustainable building crafts. Now she is keen to combine these skills with her more creative and artistic side to create beautiful and functional spaces. From her experience on various construction jobs, she noticed the acute lack of cross-over between the design phase and practical building, and this something she is passionate about changing. Florence took part in the 2020 Building Arts Programme, run in collaboration with the Prince’s Foundation.

She now lives in her self-built tiny house and enjoys engaging in other traditional crafts, such as bowl turning, spoon carving, and basket weaving and is looking to start selling her products to a wider audience. 

I am keen to bring more of my artistic side to work with my practical skills and develop them so that I can contribute to creating work that is meaningful, beautiful and important for the sustainable future of our built environment.


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